This guide will show you how to set up a CS:GO LAN server and how to install GOKZ / KZTimer plugins on it. Follow each of the steps from top to bottom, DO NOT skip any steps unless told to.
Note that this guide will NOT show you how to set up a Public, non-LAN server! This guide also does not work with CS2, only CS:GO.
LAN Servers cannot be Globally whitelisted, and you won’t be able to set Global records on this type of a server.
You can use gameui_activate; gamemenucommand openserverbrowser
in your console to open the server browser.
Server Setup and Usage, how to update it, how to run it.
KZ Plugins
GOKZ / KZTimer Plugins, how to install them. Only install one of the 2.
- Useful Plugins - Useful Plugins to add
- Maps - Adding KZ Maps
- Admin - Setting Admins
All the needed links
For the Server
- SteamCMD
- Metamod: Source
- SourceMod
- MovementAPI
- GOKZ - (Don’t use, if using KZTimer plugin)
- KZTimer - (Don’t use, if using GOKZ plugin)
- NoLobbyReservation - Needed for csgo_legacy