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KZ Commands


Usage of commands:

In chat with ! or / in front of the command. Example: "!menu"

In console with the sm_ prefix. Example: "sm_menu"

You can bind keys to all the commands. Example: "bind key sm_menu"

Checkpoint System

menu / cpmenu - Opens the checkpoint menu

adv - Opens an advanced menu (adds next, prev and undo as numbered commands)

checkpoint - Save your current position

gocheck - Teleports you to the latest checkpoint

next - Teleports you to the next checkpoint

prev / stuck / unstuck - Teleports you to the previous checkpoint

undo - Undoes your last teleport, teleporting you back to your originating point


pause - Toggles pause (Pauses the timer and freezes the player)

r / start - Teleport back to the start

stop - Stops your timer

Player/Map Statistics

profile / rank Allows you to view player profiles via a menu.

top / topclimbers - Displays a menu for viewing top rankings (top 100 Players, top 50 overall, top 20 Pro/TP and top 20 for all jumpstats)

maptop [map name] - displays local map records (top 50 overall and top 20 Pro/TP) either for the current map or a given map

avg - Prints average completion time for the current map in the chat

wr - Prints records for the current map in the chat

globaltop - Displays a menu showing the global records for the current map

mapinfo - Prints information about the current map in chat

latest - Shows latest map records

bhopcheck (Usage: @all, @me, <playername>) - Checks bhop stats for a given player, printing them the both chat and console (except for bhopcheck @all, which prints only to console)

HUD / Visuals

speed/showkeys - Toggles a centre panel showing player speed / keypresses

hide - Toggles hiding of other players

hidechat - Hides your ingame chatbox and voice icons

hideweapon - Hides your weapon model

stopsound - Stops map music

flashlight - Toggles the flashlight

usp - Spawns a USP-S for the player


challenge - Allows you to start a race against another player via a menu

accept - Allows you to accept a challenge request

surrender / abort - Surrenders your current challenge

compare - Compare your challenge results


sync - Toggles the printing of player strafe sync to chat

beam - Toggles a beam show jump trajectory

measure - Allows you to measure the height/distance between 2 points

ljblock - Registers an LJ block (usage: Stand on one LJ block and aim your crosshair at the opposite block to register it)

ranks - Prints the available player ranks in chat


options - Opens the options menu

showsettings - Prints a list of the KZTimer server settings to the console

help / helpmenu - Opens a help menu which displays all KZTimer commands

help2 - Explanation of the KZTimer ranking system

goto [playername] - Allows you to teleport to any player via a menu, or to a specific player identified by their name

spec [player] / spectate [player] / watch [player] - Allows you to spectate a player via a menu, switching you to spectators.

specs - Prints a list of all spectators in chat

route - Toggles glowing dots which show the route of the fastest replay bot