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The old versions of CS2 have all kinds of weird bugs and changes compared to latest. With this guide you can get any old version that was published by valve.


1. Opening the Steam Console

For this to work, you need to have the Steam App installed on your computer, and you need to be logged into it (with an account that owns CS2).

  1. Open up your web-browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, etc...) and open up a new tab, then paste in: steam://open/console and press enter.

  2. Steam (the app) should open up on the console page.

2. Choosing the version (Main Depot)

CS2's files are split between multiple depot's depending on OS and other factors.

You should choose a build from the Main Depot, and then match that version on the other depots to get a working build.

  1. Main Depot - This is the main depot which has most of the files needed for the game, and will be needed regardless of your OS.

  2. Choose a version that you would like to download and copy the ManifestID.

  3. Open the Steam Console(as shown on step 1.) and type in the command
    download_depot 730 2347770 followed by the ManifestID of the version you have chosen.


download_depot 730 2347770 5035069459473518974


730 = AppID (CS2)
2347770 = DepotID (Main Build)
5035069459473518974 = ManfiestID (May 2, 2024)

This will start the download for the gamefiles. The files will be downloaded to:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\content\app_730\


Do not close Steam until the download has finished. It could take up to a few hours depedning on internet and drive speeds.

3. Downloading the rest of the files

Check the date on the Manifest you chose in step 2. and find ManifestID's for matching dates on:


If there is no exact match for dates on one of the depot's, get the latest earlier manifest instead.

Windows Build Depot


If you are on Linux or Mac, you may want to check:
MacOS Build Depot
Linux Build Depot


VPK Files Depot

After finding the matching ManifestIDs for your desired build. Repeat the download command for each as follows:

Example (Windows):

download_depot 730 2347771 5648449082650336844

VPK Files:

download_depot 730 2347774 5617227416559801523


Let each of the commands download all the files before entering the next command.

4. Combining the folders

The files will have been downloaded into separate folders for each of the Depots.

All the downloaded files can be found in folders in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\content\app_730\

Each of the Depot folders should include a \game\ folder.

Drag all of the \game\ folders into a single folder, wherever you want your game install to locate.

5. Running the game


Since you will be on an older version of the game, you won't be able to connect to any public servers (Unless they are specifically running the same version).

You can run the game by finding and then opening the cs2.exe located in \game\bin\win64\

This may be different on Linux/Mac.