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cs2kz-metamod commands



Usage of commands:

In chat with ! or / in front of command. Example: "!cp"

In console with the kz_ prefix. Example: "kz_cp"

You can bind keys to all the commands. Example: "bind key kz_cp"

Checkpoint System

checkpoint / cp - Set a checkpoint on your current position.

teleport / tp - Teleport to (latest) checkpoint.

undo - Undo your previous teleport.

prevcp / pcp - Teleport to the previous checkpoint.

nextcp / ncp - Teleport to the next checkpoint.

setstartpos / ssp - Set your custom start position to your current position.

clearstartpos / csp - Clear your custom start position.

HUD / Visuals

panel - Toggle (speed/keys/timer)panel display.

hide - Toggle hiding other players.

hidelegs - Toggle hiding legs in firstperson.

hideweapon - Toggle hiding weapon viewmodel.



Only Vanilla and ClassicKZ are official KZ modes, all other mdoes are experimental FKZ specific modes.

This means that the other modes probably won't work on any other servers.

mode - Change your current mode, or display all available modes.

ckz - Change your current mode to Classic mode.

ckzb - Change your current mode to Classic-Bind mode. (FKZ ONLY)

vnl - Change your current mode to Vanilla mode.

vnl128 - Change your current mode to Vanilla Fake-128t mode. (FKZ ONLY)



Currently existing styles: autobhop / abh - Autobhop.

style <style>/+<style>/-<style> - Change, add, remove or list styles.

addstyle <style> - Add a style.

removestyle <style> - Remove a style.

togglestyle - Toggle style.

clearstyles - Clear all styles.

printallstyles - Print all styles.

printactivestyles - Print active styles.


stop - Stop the timer.

pause - Toggle timer pause.

restart / r - Restart course(timer).


jsbroadcast - Change jumpstats minimum broadcast tier.

jssound <0-6/none/meh/impressive/perfect/godlike/ownage/wrecker> - Change jumpstats sound effect minimum play tier.

togglestats / togglejs - Toggle jumpstats print type.

jsalways - Toggle printing jumpstats for ALL jumps, including invalids.


tips - Toggle printing tips.

spec <player> - Spectate another player/bot.

goto <playername> - Teleport to another player/bot.

noclip / nc / noclip - Toggle noclip.

help - Prints usage and list of commands.