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Admin Commands


Usage of commands:

In chat with ! or / in front of command. Example: "!give"

In console with the css_ prefix. Example: "css_give"

You can bind keys to all the commands. Example: "bind key css_give"


Parameters in <> are required.

Parameters in [] are optional.

@css/ shows required perms to use command. See Perms in Admin Groups


Moderation - Bans


ban <#userid or name> [time in minutes/0 perm] [reason] - Ban a player

addban <steamid> [time in minutes/0 perm] [reason] - Ban a player via steamid64

banip <ip> [time in minutes/0 perm] [reason] - Ban a player via IP address

unban <steamid or name or ip> - Unba a player


css_kick <#userid or name> [reason] - Kick a player

Moderation - Modify


css_give <#userid or name> <weapon> - Give weapon to a player



css_rcon <command> - Run command as server

css_addadmin <steamid> <name> <flags/groups> <immunity> [time in minutes] - Add an admin by steamid

css_deladmin <steamid> - Delete an admin by steamid

css_reloadadmins - Reload sql admins